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Dr. Lindsay Weixler is a developmental psychologist at Tulane University and founding co-Director of the New Orleans Early Education Research Alliance. She is also a former New Orleans middle school teacher. Dr. Weixler works with local stakeholders to examine the effects of education policies and practices.

Find out more about Dr. Weixler and the ERA here.

Anneliese A. Singh, Tulane's first Associate Provost for Diversity and Faculty Development, serves as the university’s chief diversity officer, leading efforts to coordinate and enhance campus-wide diversity, equity and inclusion work while also holding an appointment in Tulane’s School of Social Work as a full professor, with a joint affiliation with our Department of Psychology and co-chairs the President’s Commission on Race and Tulane Values.

A New Orleans native, Dr. Singh earned her bachelor’s degree from Tulane in 1991. She received her master's degree in professional counseling (2002) and her PhD in counseling psychology (2007) from Georgia State University. Prior to joining the Tulane faculty, she was a professor and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the College of Education at the University of Georgia.

Veronica Boix-Mansilla, is a Principal Investigator at Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Director of Research at Re-imagining Migration, and Senior Fellow at the Smithsonian Institution.

Her research addresses the nurturing of culturally rooted global competence between ages 3-18 in China, Japan, Vietnam, Argentina, and the United States. Her most recent initiative Re-imagining Migration seeks to advance the education of immigrant-origin youth, decrease bias against young people of diverse origins, and help rising generations develop the critical understanding and empathy necessary to build inclusive communities.

Boix-Mansilla has co-led the OECD global competence for inclusive and sustainable societies framework. She is the author of the upcoming Teaching for Global Competence with Quality, Principles, and Practices, OECD 2021, Educating for Global Competence through US and China Lenses, with Devon Wilson (2021).

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